In association with NTA Health we have developed many formulas that support health recovery for people with chronic illnesses, including adrenal fatigue, candidiasis, CFS / ME, EHS / EMF sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, FNSD (functional neurologic symptom disorder) and MCS / MCAS.
Showing 1–12 of 22 results
5HTP Tablets
5HTP is a natural amino acid and the precursor to serotonin so it's helpful for those with adrenal fatigue, anxiety issues or sleep problems.
Achy Limbs Oil
Apply this oil where needed to ease restless legs, fibromyalgia pain, Raynaud's syndrome, muscle pains and twitches, DOMS, as well as tight and painful tendons or to help increase blood circulation.
Adrenal Support Powder with Blood Sugar Balancing Nutrients
Native Wisdom's herbal adrenal support supplement for burnout and adrenal fatigue. This high-quality natural remedy brings fast improvements in energy and mood.
Adrenal Support Tincture
This is one of our most frequently prescribed support formulas, especially when clients first start their treatment with us. We estimate that adrenal fatigue and/or blood sugar imbalance is an issue for at least 70% of our clinic clients. This powder has been designed to provide perfectly balanced nutrients plus some gentle herbal support to support this.
We expect to see improvements in energy and mood regulation as well as more serious symptoms like PoTS within a week. Vertigo, hormone imbalance, anxiety and sleep difficulties can all be related to adrenal fatigue.
Anti Fungal Tincture
For control of candida (yeast) overgrowth symptoms and mould sensitivity.
Anxiety Support Tincture
Helps to calm the nervous system and adrenals with a gentle action, making it suitable for adults and children.
C60 Activated Charcoal Oil with Buckminster Fullerene
C60 Activated Charcoal Oil made using activated charcoal from coconut husks plus Buckminster Fullerine C60.
Cellular Protection Oil
This oil combines ingredients that protect cell walls and mitochondria
Chronic Strep Support Tincture
This formula includes elderberries and echinacea as well as wild thyme and cloves. These herbs have natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities, helping to soothe the respiratory tract and open up the airways, as well as to helping the oxygenation of the blood.
Wild thyme is a key ingredient in this formula and a great source of thymol, which is antibacterial and antifungal – the Victorians used it as an antibiotic. Streptococcus (Strep) isn’t usually a dangerous infection in itself, but its presence creates and environment on the surface of the throat where other microbes can thrive and cause secondary infection. These are usually yeasts. This combination also includes herbs that soothe the respiratory tract and open up the airways, to help oxygenation of blood.
Circulation Cream
This cream contains plant ingredients that promote the healing of connective tissue, including in the blood and lymphatic vessels, so that circulation and flow can improve.
Devils Bit Herbal Support Tincture
Devils Bit is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the relief of backache, rheumatic or muscular pain, as well as general aches and pains in the joints. We recommend it for clients with fibromyalgia as well as other muscular and neuralgic pain.
Histamine Support Tincture
This tincture combines herbs and nutrients to calm histamine / allergy reactions.